Accept A Helping Hand.

Sometimes we don’t have to look very far to find something encouraging or inspirational. Here’s a terrific quote from our 2018 archives. “When we accept a helping hand, we may actually also be helping to keep that chain that was forged out of links started by someone who committed an act of unconditional giving motivated (more…)

Tap Into Your Greater Self. Be Outdoors.

Being outdoors is one of the best ways to see more; to see the bigger picture. Take time to talk to the trees, listen to the ocean or look up at the sky. You’re sure to tap into your greater self and away from the stuff that’s irrelevant.     BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0

I Make No Apologies! This Is Me!

Do you go shopping with earplugs and sunglasses? If you’re getting coffee with a friend do you ask to sit outside (even if it’s chilly) because it’s easier for you to concentrate on the conversation? Do all the chatting, phone ringing, and background activities at work overwhelm you and diminish your effectiveness? These are just (more…)

From Resolution to Restoration: Flipping the Script January 2023

My rigorous and carefully orchestrated yearly rituals of early holiday season prep, meticulous holiday season planning, and intensive organizational routines tend to reward me with extra rest, peace and blessed slowness, from about mid-December through the new year (albeit a few holiday, work, and life balance details here and there, but not a huge deal). (more…)

May The New Year Shine All Year

I’ve been executive director for BEST through good times and difficult times. And as each year passes I am one year prouder of all that we do for our neurodiverse community. Be it brain injury, stroke, Autism, or, now, COVID we continue to embrace and support those who have shared their story, their time, their (more…)