Neurodragoneering! What The Heck Is That?

You’re sitting around the table with several friends and one begins to speak, “It’s dusk and the road is dusty and rutted. The town is another half day’s walk. Your pack is getting heavy and it begins to rain. As the rain continues you feel cold as the dampness of your rain-soaked clothes settles into (more…)

Brain Busters Is Going Gang Busters In SL

Virtual worlds, especially Second Life, provide an invaluable lifeline for many in our community who are isolated for a variety of reasons. I’ve written about this before and personally experience how helpful Second Life can be. The immersive experiences and connections with others have been especially helpful over the past three years as shifting health (more…)

The Lotus Blossoms In the Muddiest Water

Did you know that the lotus grows in muddy water? It is said that the muddier the pond, the more beautiful the flower. The lotus flower has great meaning in Buddhism. An open flower, one that has bloomed, represents enlightenment and the muddy water represents the turbulence and challenges of our daily life. The Buddha (more…)

10 Immune System Boosters

This is the time of year when your immune system takes a beating; flu, common cold, bronchitis, stomach bug, and even COVID. Yes, any virus can sneak in and take control whenever your immune system is weakened. That includes some medications (talk to your doctor about this if you have concerns about your prescriptions). Sure (more…)

Coffee cup (filled with coffee) on a saucer sitting on a table with three tulips lying next to it. Text reads: This is your Monday morning reminder that you can handle anything the week throws at you by Unknown

Monday Morning Reminder

Remember the song lyric, “Rainy days and Mondays always get me down”? Well, not at BEST! We’re here to remind you that no matter what happens you can handle it. We have the tools to support your success.   BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0