Happy Valentines Day BEST Friends!

Thank you BEST friends for making our souls blossom! 🌸 Happy Hearts Day! 💗 BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0

A whimsical graphic representation of a green grass heart with a small Earth (like a marble) sitting atop the heart

The World is a Better Place Because of You

You make the world a better place and we love you for it.  As we kick off this month of love and friendship, we’d like to thank you, our generous donors, for the love, care, and support. Your gifts have supported our work to make a difference in the lives of those with brain injury (more…)

BEST Second Life Covid-19 Vaccination Clinic Opens

The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) is pleased to announce a special new feature in our virtual platform. The virtual COVID Vaccination Clinic is now open and welcomes you. The purpose of the COVID Vaccination Clinic at Etopia in Second Life is to provide information and tools related to the COVIC-19 pandemic. Here’s a peek (more…)