A watercolor style graphic of the earth

Activities, Education, Celebration: Join BEST for Earth Day 2022!

At the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST), empowerment is at the core of our mission, vision, services and programs.  We know firsthand what empowerment does in our community, for the individual and the community as a whole. We take better control of our health and well-being, along with having a better understanding of what works best for us (more…)

A simple graphic drawing of an envelope with a letter

Our Latest E-Newsletter: All About Change

Our latest e-newsletter focuses on change: how BEST changed in the face of COVID; our newest board director and how she creates change: how to cope with change, both good and bad; and much more. Read all about it here. Not a subscriber yet? Click here for a fast and secure sign up! Thank you (more…)

A picture of a book with the words tips on the cover, positioned next to a lit lightbulb on a wooden table

Empowerment: Tips for Autism Awareness Month

It’s April again, and so that means it is Autism Awareness month. I’m not going to spend a lot of time on why that is problematic and how Autistic adults feel about this, but suffice to say that the vast majority do not support the sponsor of this disaster, nor do we like the #lightitupblue (more…)

A cute drawing of the earth with a face hugging a heart.

This is no joke!

Happy April, BEST friends! Hello and welcome to a new month.  It may be April Fools’ Day…but we’re sending out virtual hugs today (no joke).  Take one and pass it on. 🌍💖🤗 BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0