To Our BEST Supporters

To the BEST Supporters: Thank you for supporting brain empowerment for all. You are making a difference in helping individuals and communities grow and thrive! We are grateful for you! 🌿👐🌼   New to BEST? Interested in being a supporter? Here are 2 easy ways to help: 1. Become a member. 2. Donate and/or shop. (more…)

A whimsical drawing of a lion with mouse purchased atop his snout.

Monday Motivation: May 16, 2022

You’ll have moments when you feel like a lion, and moments when you feel like a mouse. Just know that no matter how you feel, you still have a heartbeat and a soul worthy of love, so learn to roar even when you feel small, because you are more than the feelings you may have.  (more…)

Save the Date: Cognicon 2022 Fall 2022!

This fall, Cognicon returns! Save the date for October 14-15, 2022 for a virtual event that is like no other!  For those not familiar with Cognicon, the event was started in 2019. This virtual cognitive convention is designed to share information about brain health, wellness, self-care, empowerment, and supportive communities and programs in the virtual (more…)

Let’s Get Social!

Did you know that the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) has six dedicated social media channels?  You can find us on:  Twitter Instagram  Facebook  Pinterest  LinkedIn  YouTube  If you are a social media user, join us online for information, conversation, inspiration, and community. All are welcome!    BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0

A vine of leaves and puffy yellow flowers. Text reads Thank you to our community

Thank You To Our Community

Thank you to our community! 💛   We love our supporters, online community, team members, community partners and generous donors for the support, care, and inspiration.   You are amazing beyond measure!   BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0

Our BEST Gift For You!

Our latest BEST E-newsletter is out!  Our theme? The month of May is bursting with hope and help.  In this newsletter edition you’ll find:  The world came together to create a BEST Community virtual spring bouquet! What until you see what happened!  May is Stroke Awareness Month. Longtime BEST blogger, writer, advocate and stroke survivor, (more…)