Education and awareness about traumatic brain injury (TBI) comes in all different shapes and forms.

However, a special team at the University of Washington Traumatic Brain Injury Model System study (TBIMS) in Seattle, Washington, has a unique and powerful way to deliver important information about TBI to the public.  Through the creation of InfoComics, the team utilizes the comic book format to deliver critical information about brain injury.  The information that is portrayed in the Infocomics are an effective and innovative learning tool for everyone.

Even better, is that the key learning components of the InfoComics are based on the latest TBI research, technology, strategies and resources. The team also carefully consults and reviews all educational comics with the experts in the field (including TBI survivors themselves).

The latest InfoComic tells the story of Dan, a young adult who obtained a concussion while on the soccer field. Dan’s journey takes him through concussion protocol on the sports field and off the field at the emergency room. Step by step, Dan recovers from his concussion but learns important information along the way and valuable self-care tools that make a big difference in Dan’s recovery.

Dan isn’t the only one on this healing journey forward.

The InfoComic shares that a whole community learns about helping Dan through his recovery. Family and friends, coaches, educators and medical experts all play a vital role.

In addition to concussion recovery, there are other InfoComics that cover a variety of other topics such as TBI and sleep issues, headaches and much more. Click here to take a look.  Readers are also invited to take a short survey to share their thoughts on each InfoComic.