What if you could help create unique opportunities for someone with a brain injury and help BEST reduce fundraising costs?

Intrigued by that question? Then the BEST Superhero Society is for you! As a member of the BEST Superhero Society, your monthly donation does just that. A small gift each month helps BEST spend more money on making a difference and putting the power in empowerment in the lives of those with brain injury and their families, while spending less on administrative costs.

Monthly gifts provide BEST:

  • A steady source of income we can count on to fund our education programs, brain injury support groups, caregiver support activities, and more.
  • Lower administrative costs than other fundraising methods. With less checks to write, envelopes to stock, and stamps it’s environmentally friendly, too.
  • Income that allows us to place more focus on our programs.

Superhero currency makes a real and specific difference and (gives rewards, too):


Ready to be a superhero to a superhero? Click here and start today. You’ll be glad you did!