Today our mindfulness activity is going to focus on one word.

Choose one of the words below and write it on an index card, piece of note paper, post-it, or even the back of an envelope. Then place the paper with with word on it somewhere you will see it (refrigerator, bathroom mirror, computer monitor). You can also use a word of your own that isn’t included in our list.

Inspire, Calm, Heartfelt, Focused, Grateful, Dream, Simplify, Imagine, Wonder, Blossom, Brilliant, Capable, Abundance, Courageous, Deserving, Dynamic, Vital, Triumphant, Overflowing, Peace, Joy, Grateful, Grounded, Possibility, Worthy

If you have a busy day planned carry the word with you and pull it out of your pocket, purse, or wallet to remind yourself that this one word makes all the difference in how you see today.

Happy Mindful Monday!