Our BEST June Artist Spotlight shines the light on not only an amazing superhero supporter, but also real-life community superhero from not one, but two worlds!
Meet Renne Emiko Brock, local artist, college instructor and a passionate superhero advocate who supports and empowers others to be their best selves.
She shares her work, passions, and support in the real world, as well as in the virtual world platform of Second Life. Renne’s custom-designed scarves are featured and available for sale at the Superhero Shoppe, at Our BEST Space, in University Place, Washington.
Renne will also be participating in the BEST Tacoma Art Museum Community Art Installation for the Superhero show this fall.

Known for her positive energy, vibrancy and community love, Brock has touched the lives of many.
Following is more about the artist.
Renne’s connection to BEST:
“I met (BEST Founder), Penny (Condoll), and (BEST Executive Director) Gloria (Kraegel), ten years ago through the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life, which is social good community in the sixteen-year-old virtual world,” she says. “Because of my research, coursework, and art about the transformation process of superheroes, we started working together on expressive and artful ways to support folks with brain injuries and anyone that has gone through a major catalyst in their lives. It is a significant time that superpowers are revealed, and I love being a creative cheerleader through this influential process.”
Renne’s connections to art:

Kinetic sculpture and art apparel are my favorite kind of art because both include movement in four dimensions,” explains the artist. “Yes, that includes time, and requires changing perspective to fully experience it. I love that spatial expression touches more areas of our brain and has a deeper impression on our memory.
Seeing someone wearing my art scarves, I mean superhero capes, generates much joy in my heart because they are intimate, protective, and defines one’s personality. It is an honor my art is trusted with those responsibilities.”
Renne’s favorite art themes to create:
“Color, identity, physics, mazes, flowers, and patterns are the themes that are found throughout my art regardless of medium,” shares Renne. “Sculptural storytelling assemblages of digital work and woven fabric also demonstrate my theme of multi-layered narratives in my art. Often layers of intertwining visual vocabulary express stories about how we all are unique and united at the same time.”
Why art is special to Renne:
“Art has always been my expression and profession. It is how I take complex concepts and communicate them in understandable and appealing ways. I believe articulating through beauty and science is effective and productive,” she said.

“Art is full of opportunities for investigation and experimentation, it gives me the method to validate my ideals and to encourage inquiry in others.”
Renne’s favorite superhero characteristics:
“Everyone can be a superhero. A superhero is a person who utilizes their strengths and abilities as superpowers. Genuine superheroes don’t have to be a mild manner version of themselves and don’t wear disguises. They have integrity and courage to be themselves all the time and accept the uniqueness and experiences of others. We only use our superpowers for good.”

To learn more about the community art installation program, the Tacoma Art Museum (TAM), and how you can participate as a local BEST artist, please click here.