(Editor’s note: Is cleaning a chore or is it a practice of self-care? BEST gives a warm welcome to BEST guest blogger Marysa Rogozynski, who has some important and compelling points on cleaning and will make you see cleaning in a brand new way! Thanks, Marysa! KT). 

If someone would have told me that cleaning is therapeutic, I would have thought they were crazy.

Why on earth would someone want to clean for fun, or willingly for that matter?

Cleaning is called a chore for a reason, right?

Well, that’s what I thought….

Until I came across this quote.

If cleaning was a chore, it would be a project.

If cleaning was a choice, it would be a practice.

If we practice, then it can become a habit. If it becomes a habit, then hopefully it is helping benefit our life.

BOOM! Mind is blown!

Okay… so maybe it is not that extreme or simple, but I did a little investigating and cleaning can actually become a healthy habit; it just takes a little practice.

Don’t believe me? Well, here is some interesting information on the benefits of cleaning.

1. You begin to feel healthier.
2. With a clean space, you may feel more comfortable inviting friends over.
3. Quick burst of energy, and a little bit of physical exercise.
4. Increased productivity and be a distraction for the thoughts and emotions inside your head.
5. It can give you a sense of accomplishment.
6. Increase in a positive mood. It can also help calm anxiety and decrease feelings of depression.
7. A feeling of having more control in your life. Hey, this one can help with anxiety and depression, too!

See, it’s not so bad, right? Well, if you are like me and lack the motivation to do things, or doing too much work at once is very strenuous, I have a few tips for you!

1. Don’t tackle everything at once.

When we trying to clean everything at once it can take its toll on us. We start losing some energy, our brains might feel tired, and it can feel boring and tedious.

2. Pick one room or task to start with.

You know what is most important to you. If when you first walk into your house or apartment and there is a mess everywhere, which gives you anxiety or you lose things, start there.

If you have mail laying around and you need to file it, start there. Whatever the task may be, you decide what is most important in this current moment and time.

3. Once you have picked a task or room to clean, write it down.

By writing down the task at hand it can serve two purposes. The first is to help with memory.This allows you to keep track of what you are doing, in case you get distracted or forget what you are doing.

The second is it gives us something to check off later! It is a nice way to show that you have accomplished something that you set out to do.

4. Set a time limit. Take a break, and then continue again.

It is okay if you do not complete everything in one sitting. Cognitive psychology shows that the average attention span is 20 minutes, but keep in mind that can vary per person.

Pick a time limit to start off with. If you realize you can go longer or need a shorter time period, make an adjustment.

Don’t forget to set a timer! Once the timer goes off, take a break and then start the timer again.

5. Check it off.

After you have finished that task, go back to where you wrote it down and check it off! This allows for an increased sense of accomplishment, and it is a reward for completing your goal.

This can also help encourage you to do it again, creating habits over time.

6. Pick an Option A or B.

At this point, you have two choices.

Option A: Repeat these steps with a new task!

Option B: Stop with the task you completed, and work on forming a habit of the one task.

Then when you are ready, choose Option B!

7. If these steps don’t work quite right for you, that’s okay make some adjustments.

This process doesn’t seem right to me! I have tried it a few times and it isn’t working. That is okay! Figure out what works for you and make adjustments.

What works for one person may not work for another, but it can help give us an idea of where to start. You know your body and brain better than anyone else, listen to what it has to say.

These are some of the ways that I tackling cleaning. It helps me to feel less overwhelmed, and have a sense of accomplishment. I haven’t reached the point of a habit, but it is beginning to feel less like a chore.

So, I am curious. What tips do you have for cleaning? What works? What doesn’t? How does cleaning make you feel? What are you going to clean first?

Happy Cleaning!

Information and Resources:


The author (courtesy photo)

Marysa Rogozynski grew up in Ontario, Canada until her family moved to the United States. After the move, she completed high school in Montana, going on to earn her Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Psychology at the University of Jamestown, where she also sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury playing collegiate sports. Currently, she is finishing her Master of Science (M.S.) in Psychology at Eastern Washington University. She enjoys traveling, going to the movies, baking, and playing with her cats.