It’s the new year. Holidays are done, the cold weather has settled in (in most places), and your daily life is once more packed with things to do, places to go, and people to see. All of that contributes to increased stress. Want to battle the horned demon known as stress? We’re launching our (more…)
This is a beautiful time of year and for many it’s the best time of year. This is a time for family and friends. It’s also a very stressful time of year. Statistically, it’s the most stressful time of the year. So, how do we make time for ourselves, honor our boundaries, and feel more (more…)
Virtual worlds, especially Second Life, provide an invaluable lifeline for many in our community who are isolated for a variety of reasons. I’ve written about this before and personally experience how helpful Second Life can be. The immersive experiences and connections with others have been especially helpful over the past three years as shifting health (more…)
Did you know that the lotus grows in muddy water? It is said that the muddier the pond, the more beautiful the flower. The lotus flower has great meaning in Buddhism. An open flower, one that has bloomed, represents enlightenment and the muddy water represents the turbulence and challenges of our daily life. The Buddha (more…)
Did you know that the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) has six dedicated social media channels? You can find us on: Twitter Instagram Facebook Pinterest LinkedIn YouTube If you are a social media user, join us online for information, conversation, inspiration, and community. All are welcome! BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0