The Brain Injury Community Support Group in Spokane, Washington, created a memorable evening of celebration and giving thanks. Utilizing the culinary talents of Holly Blomquist-Worley and Marysa Rogozynski, these two women prepared a Thanksgiving feast for support group members to savor and enjoy. Held at the Multicare Valley Hospital on the evening of November 25th, (more…)
The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) has just witnessed the most beautiful art of sharing and caring. The artist? YOU. Thank you for helping to support the empowerment artists of the brain injury community and their families. With your generous help, you are providing the support for more learning materials and educational opportunities to tap (more…)
Superheroes came together at the Tacoma Art Museum (TAM) for an evening of art, artists, celebration and honoring the brain injury community of Washington State. Here are our favorite photos from the opening night reception of the Superhero show at the museum in the video below. BEST would like to give special thanks to our (more…)
The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) is thrilled and honored to be participating in a community art installation at the Tacoma Art Museum (TAM). One of the pieces of art was a true team effort (a team of superheroes, that is)! The members of the Tacoma Brain Injury Support Team created a special 3D art piece that will be (more…)
Tacoma and Puyallup Brain Injury Support Group (Schedule Change NEW): Beginning in September 2019, these two Puget Sound Washington support groups have new meeting times (locations remain the same). See flyer attached. BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0