The holidays are upon us and we have some tough decisions to make. Health experts are encouraging us to stay home. I think that’s a smart idea. As of this writing, over 11 million people in the United States have been infected with COVID-19 and more than 250,000 have died. Chances are someone you know, (more…)
We know a brain injury dramatically impacts both an individual and their family. Whether it’s for the short term or for a lifetime a brain injury changes our lives in both visible and invisible ways. Now, research is showing that the COVID-19 has significant neurological consequences for the majority of those recovering from the virus. (more…)
The Edmonds Head Injury Support Group in Washington State recently connected in a unique and special way. Support group participants met at the Ballinger Senior Center on a beautiful early fall day to share a community meal while following COVID-19 health and safety requirements. According to Support Group Facilitator, Robin Spicuzza, it was a much (more…)