A brain injury is powerful. Brain injuries dramatically impact both an individual and their family. Whether it’s for the short term or for a lifetime, a brain injury changes our lives in both visible and invisible ways. Signs often include emotional, behavioral, physical, cognitive and social dysfunction. Even those who get the best medical care (more…)
Happy November, Puget Sounders! Kick off the month feeling crafty with the Stitching It Up Crew at BEST. On the 11/2 and 11/9, the featured project is a “gratitude jar” and on 11/16, participants can make their own turkey decoration. Other projects available, too! While there won’t be a craft support group 11/23 due to (more…)
The BEST Tacoma Brain Injury Support Group did a little pre-holiday celebration recently in Tacoma, WA. Pumpkins, costumes and fun were had by all. Here are a few photos of the good times. Special thanks to BEST’s own Jeff Hartson for capturing the memories. BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0