Virtual Postcard: Greetings from BEST In Second Life!

  A Virtual Postcard: Where do BEST superheroes have “virtual” adventures? At BEST in Second Life! Come visit us! You’ll be glad you did! BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0

Fridays Are BEST At NPSL

I’ve been working with nonprofits for 30 years and every organization or team I’ve ever worked with held the dreaded weekly staff or executive meeting in some fashion. Often they were early in the day, filled with the same repeated updates as all the meetings that went before it, and it was all I could (more…)

Virtual BESTies

I think everyone who has ever spoken with me about virtual worlds has seen my eyes light up as I launch into lengthy descriptions of friends, activities, uses, and relevance of this platform for communication, education, and social engagement so when Kim asked me to write about BEST in Second Life (SL) I jumped at (more…)