Who are the Next BEST Superheroes for 2019?

There are superheroes among us and we want to hear about them! Do you know a survivor, caregiver or community supporter who is putting the power in personal empowerment? Soaring to new heights? Doing cool things?  Bringing superhero-size support to the brain injury community? BEST is now accepting nominations for 2019! Nominate your superhero for the BEST (more…)

Returning to Work After TBI: A Discussion

Join Namaara MacMoragh (Gloria Kraegel) at the PEER Center on Etopia in Second Life on Friday, September 21,2018 at 1 pm PST as she discusses returning to work after brain injury. To learn more about the PEER Center and BEST in Second Life, click here. To join BEST in Second Life today, click here. All (more…)

5 Reasons A Second Life Enriches My First Life

You might be asking yourself “how can a virtual world enhance your first life?” and “What is a first life anyway?” Let me start by saying that my experiences in the virtual world of Second Life are as real as in physical spaces such as with friends in my living room, cooking in my kitchen, (more…)

BEST Superhero of the Month: April 2018

Meet a real-life superhero from two worlds! Renne Emiko Brock is an artist, instructor and superhero advocate who supports and empowers fellow superheroes to be their best selves. She shares her time, talent and support in the real world, both locally and nationally, and in the virtual world platform of Second Life. Known for her (more…)

Simple Ways to be a Superhero to the Earth

At the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST), we strive not only to be superheroes for the brain injury community, but superheroes to the earth, too. Earth Day is an annual event celebrated in April throughout the world to bring awareness, advocacy and action for environmental protection. At BEST, Earth Day is every day, from creating (more…)

Get Energized: March is Brain Injury Awareness Month

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month. Here at the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST), we’ll be channeling our middle name, ENERGY, all month long. This year, Brain Injury Awareness Month is extra special. BEST celebrates our 10th year of building empowered superheroes! So extra energy is in the air in this amazing month of sharing, (more…)