At Home: Online Accessible Yoga and the BEST Learning Center

The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) is excited to share two new online opportunities for our community.  The Wallingford Brain Injury Support Group, a program of the Imaginal Network, in partnership with the Brain Energy Support Team, are offering an 8-week online yoga class for people living with brain injury.  The dates are Mondays from (more…)

TODAY: BEST Superhero Shoppe Online Opens

NEW: Today, the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) is thrilled to announce that our BEST Superhero Shoppe is now online and is open, and at the ready, for superhero shoppers anywhere and everywhere!  Better: Through our website, shoppers can find some cool resources, tools, superhero gear, gifts and more. Coupled with fast, simple and secure (more…)

BEST Events: February, March and April 2020!

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BEST in Second Life: Join us for Cognicon February 28 and 29, 2020!

BEST has created a virtual presence for reaching out to those with brain injury and their caregivers.  BEST hosts a variety of social events, small group discussions, workshops, and skills training. Our goal in Second Life is to support those with brain injury engage in alternative and meaningful learning and PEER support. Our office can (more…)

March 2020: Creativity is a Superpower Schedule!

The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) is excited to announce our theme for the national Brain Injury Awareness Month in March of this year.  Our 2020 theme is: Creativity is a Superpower ⚡💡 All month long, we’ll be exploring creativity in self-care, education, awareness, sharing resources, conversations and much more. By exploring our superpower of (more…)

(Spokane): One Day Brain Injury Symposium March 14, 2020

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