A butterfly emerging from a chrysalis, with a leafy branch and sunshine in the background. Text reads: Be the change you wish to see in the world

BEST Shares Transformation Story With International Audience

Be the change you wish to see in the world.  In a world full of change, especially as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST), took the quote above to heart.  In 2020, BEST was rocked by the pandemic, like many other organizations. BEST in-person programs were closed, and a (more…)

A modern drawing of a women, sitting on the floor cross-legged, holding a laptop. She has a large houseplant to her right and a cup of coffee to her left.

Brain Injury Awareness Month Marches On!

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month. This special month marks an opportunity for the brain injury community and the community at large to share awareness, knowledge, support, education, care and conversation.  The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) warmly invites you to join us online for some brain empowerment!        As individuals and as (more…)

A human face shaped cloud amongst other clouds in the sky

Befriending Yourself and Your Experience

What is mindfulness?  Mindfulness is noticing what is happening right now. What are your senses and emotions telling you? What is your mind telling you?  At the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) we see mindfulness in this way, too:  Mindfulness is a way of befriending ourselves and our experience (Jon Kabat Zinn).  Through the practice (more…)

A modern drawing of a women, sitting on the floor cross-legged, holding a laptop. She has a large houseplant to her right and a cup of coffee to her left.

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month. This special month marks an opportunity for the brain injury community and the community at large to share awareness, knowledge, support, education, care and conversation.  As we kick off March 2022, the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) warmly invites you to join us online this month for some brain (more…)

A photo blend: half a tree and ground in the winter, spliced with another half of the same tree and ground but it spring

On Change

The quote to the above really says it all, doesn’t it? We hate and love change at the same time, but in a perfect world many things would stay the same, but just get better.  For better or worse (or somewhere in between), we know the world just doesn’t work in this way. Change is (more…)

BEST Second Life Covid-19 Vaccination Clinic Opens

The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) is pleased to announce a special new feature in our virtual platform. The virtual COVID Vaccination Clinic is now open and welcomes you. The purpose of the COVID Vaccination Clinic at Etopia in Second Life is to provide information and tools related to the COVIC-19 pandemic. Here’s a peek (more…)