Support Group Members: BEST Virtual Volunteers Sought!

Volunteer virtually for the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST)!  If you participate in a brain injury support group in Washington State, either as a support group facilitator or a support group member or participate in our BEST virtual brain injury support group and/or caregiver group in Second Life, we are seeking the following virtual volunteers:  (more…)

You may have some questions…

You might have some questions like this: Where can I get the latest updates from you? How can I connect with my brain injury support group? How can I connect to others in the brain injury community? What things can I do online at BEST? Where can I share information or stories? We’ve got answers! (more…)

Face Masks For Personal Protection

Did you know that during the 1918 flu pandemic that wearing personal face masks was not only recommended, but in many places throughout the United States, was required? Today, the COVID-19 Coronavirus is rapidly spreading throughout the world, as the flu did in those two fateful years of 1918 through 1920. One of the biggest (more…)

In Words, Pics and More: BEST Online Resources

Words. Pictures. Video. Virtual Platforms.  BEST Online Resources are at the ready! Here’s your guide to getting started.  Words: At the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST),  sharing our personal stories and journeys are important to us. Finding the words and putting those words to the keyboard or to paper, makes a difference, not only for us (more…)

One Click Away: Updates on the Coronavirus

We care about the safety of all our activities participants and their families. Click here for up-to-date closings, tips, and information about the Coronavirus and your safety. BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0

WA State: Important Update from BEST

We care about the safety of all our activities participants and their families. Click here for up-to-date closings, tips, and information about the Coronavirus and your safety.   BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0