This past Christmas I got a gift that’s sure kept on giving: a book titled The 52 Lists Project. It’s a book that is designed to inspire self-reflection and self-discovery. I believe it was given to me to inspire me to look inside myself and to help me develop ideas for my writing. It has (more…)
The first 2022 BEST e-newsletter has launched to inboxes today! And like the tree, we are grounded in information, connected with our community, looking forward to new things, bending with the changing times of Covid-19, enjoying our individuality, and ready to continue to grow! In this issue, we cover the following: the importance of sleep (more…)
Good advice to kick off the new year: stay grounded, connect, look to the new, self-care, self-love and growth. Thank you, trees! And thank you, for your friendship and support in 2021. Looking forwarding to connecting and growing together in 2022! BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0
With 2022 just around the corner, we’re expanding our resources to help you live a quality lifestyle. And to help our community stay strong and confident in what’s right with the world, we’ve committed our energy to ensure you have the most accurate information and the best resources to make navigating the challenges of each (more…)